Between March 2009 and May 2012, four more plots of land were acquired for the Mesenia-Paramillo nature reserve, adding 1200 acres of Andean rainforest. Plots were known as "La Secreta" (photo below), "La Marina" and "La Margarita".

The plot "La Margarita" (photo below), located in the area of "El Rosario" in the department of Caldas, was acquired by funding from SavingSpecies in March 2011. Traditionally, this area has been impacted by logging, cattle grazing and agriculture. Forests are being actively cut down to clear land for the two latter activities. By buying this plot, we allow for the restoration of natural habitats and corridors for safe passage of animals.

In November 2011 an important plot, "La Cristalina" (photo below) was purchased with funding from IUCN in the amount of 85,000 Euro. This plot borders to the north of the reserve and and reaches an altitude of 3100 meters (10,200 ft). One of the interesting aspects of this plot is that the forest structure appears to be different and the species of orchids found are different from those of the Paramillo area. Also we acquire the watershed of the Mesenia creek, an affluent of the San Juan Antioquia river.

Finally in May 2012, THC with the support of Willem Ferwerda and matching funds from IUCN Netherlands and Saving Species, a 104 hectares plot of natural forest and pastureland located in the eastern slope of the western cordillera of Colombia in the state of Caldas (an area known as El Rosario) at an altitude range of 2000 to 2200 meters was acquired. This will create a protected connection corridor to join the Mesenia-Paramillo nature reserve with the Integrated Management District “Cuchilla Jardín-Támesis". This joint effort has one goal in mind—saving biodiversity.