Planters of Hope

Since 1863, the forests where the Mesenia-Paramillo nature reserve is located today, were cut down for fire wood, to clear land for cattle grazing and also crop planting. Due to the heavy deforestation at lower altitudes below 6000 ft, many forest fragments have been isolated together with the population of plants and animals. This of course causes species to disappear and genetic exchange is halted between populations of organisms.

In 2007, when the Mesenia-Paramillo nature reserve was created, one of the main objectives was to recover pasture lands and allow the natural and assisted reforestation of degraded areas. Seed collection of important tree species was done to create nurseries to replant the seedlings in most of the cleared forests within the reserve boundaries. To date, over 300,000 trees have been planted.

Project Importance

Since the San Juan Antioquia river, flows from the upper montane forests at 8000 feet elevation to the lower fragments of forests located below 6000 feet, BIOCONSERVANCY has proposed to the stakeholders, specially women, La Mesenia the creation of 15 nurseries to provide trees for reforestation of some 566 hectares of pastureland. This initiative brings an important source of income to the families. Our leader park ranger, Ubiel Rendon, a La Mesenia native, will provide the know-how and assistance to select native trees and create the nurseries.
BIOCONSERVANCY personnel at the reserve is constantly looking for seedlings of the most important tree species in the area to grow in the tree nurseries. Once the seedlings have been tended for at least two to eight months (depending on the species) they are transplanted to the field.

Impact on Conservation
BIOCONSERVANCY is committed to creating natural corridors to join forest fragments which will allow for populations of organisms to again have genetic exchange. This will guarantee in the long run the survival of species. This project will be funded by ClimeCo and Saving Nature.